2024 looks like a big year

Pleasantville Astrology opened for business February 1st 2024


2024 looks like a big year astrologically. On January 20th Pluto moved from Capricorn where it has been transiting since 2008, into Aquarius. On May 2nd it will start to appear to travel backwards. Four months later on September 1st, Pluto will revisit Capricorn for a final time in this cycle, re-entering Aquarius November 19th to continue its twenty year journey through the sign. Chances are that we will all notice significant changes whether we ascribe them to Pluto or not.

Another significant date is April 20th. On that day, from the point of view of the Earth, Jupiter and Uranus will appear to be in the same place in the sky (a conjunction). This meeting is an occurrence that happens every fourteen years.

A creative shake-up all round that could include some volcanic expression …

Colin McPhillamy

I am an actor turned astrologer following a life-long fascination with the planets and the stars.


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